Monday, June 21, 2010

Week One Results

I'm totally pumped. I've lost 6 lbs since Tuesday, June 15. I'm sure it's water weight, but I dont' care. I'm loving the works in the Wellness Center. I didn't think I'd be able to get a good workout with one leg, but man I was wrong.

I'm enjoying NOT counting calories. I've followed the ideaology of I need a certain number of servings of Carbs, Proteins, & Fats. I feel better about that. I feel like I can eat everything, but within reason vs. the old mindset of no diet soda, no sugar, no fat ever.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Met with my trainer and dietician

On Thursday I had my first nutrition class. It was really great and I was so glad to have a nutrional plan mapped out for me. Today (Friday) I met with my trainer Aaron, he was great. Obviously, I'm going to have some limitations with my Achilles, but I felt good about my arms are already sore. I feel so lucky to be involved in this challenge.

I'm hoping to be the victorious underdog!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Off to a "slow" start

The only good thing about being laid up is I have the will power to say no to junk food and to excessive eating. I certainly cannot afford to eat poorly with my extremely sedentary lifestyle.

I am looking forward to my nutrition class tomorrow. I'm also looking forward to meeting with my trainer on Friday. I'm interested to see what exercising he or she will have I said, I'll have massive biceps by the time this thing is done!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I am so excited for this heart challenge and so grateful to be one of the lucky chosen Urban South Region employees. I will not take this for granted. I will have a harder time than most, as I just partially tore my left achilles; so I won't be able to exercise as hard core as I would like. However, I do think I will develop some massive biceps by the time I'm done!

I look forward to taking the nutrition classes each week and to working with my physical trainer. I'm so thankful to all of the 100 Day Heart Challenge organizers for allowing me to compete with my "handicap" because I will need this program now more than ever.

Please check my blog frequently for updates on my progress. I'm really going to need your encouragement, since I'm feeling physically down trodden. Plus, I really, really, really, really want to kick Rob Daniels butt in the competition.
